Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Fall!

I love fall! the colors in Utah are beautiful!! This is me and some of the team getting our carve on. ps- I got that dress at DI for 5 dollars....I know right.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I will never forgive my sister for taking away my babies!!! I miss them so so much I could scream. Linds, give them a great big kiss for me and tell them that their auntie Lanni misses them so so much. Please let us see you guys soon! love you!

Monday, October 6, 2008

yay for parents

Dear parental units,

Thank you. The weekends you guys come up here are always the best. Mom, I really hope you’re feeling better :( your such a trooper! (That’s definitely a "mom phrase"- I thought it appropriate). Dad, I hope your"superior immune system" holds. You’re a trooper too :) No but really. There are a rare few in this world that would take O’Reilly girls food shopping.....I salute you.