Monday, October 19, 2009

volleyball season....take 3

This is the team in Park City. Every year we go on a "retreat" to Park City, its when the coaches torture the team to prepare us for the rest of season. We may look happy in this picture, but don't be fooled. We're well into the season now, and things are busy busy busy. Just wanted everyone to know that I was still alive- Maybe after season is over ill be able to spend more time posting stuff. peace n love.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


My parents are simply the greatest people on earth. Exaggeration? I think not. Who else would I be willing to spend a whole weekend with doing nothing at all? With them nothing is more than enough. How did I get so lucky?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I wish people were better at flirting...

hello world, yes i know that it has been a while. I was inspired to write when the other day I was attacked by a psychic. The day was Wednesday and the hour was around 5 pm. That day was warm and I was anxious due to a Chemistry quiz I was studying for. I was especially proud of locking myself in the library on such a sunny day. Anyway, I was at my table trying to learn different conversions when a strange looking man caught my eye.....almost literally. He placed his head directly in my line of vision forcing me to make awkward eye contact for a full 3-4 seconds before finally sat his grungy self down across from me. awesome. While I was debating whether to grab my pepper spray he stated;

weirdy - "your Irish"

me- (oh joy) "what?"

weirdy- "you can tell, your eyes give you away."

After telling me that he was a little bit psychic, I was debating telling him that I was wearing contacts (which I dont) to get rid of him. Before I could however, he grabbed my hand, flipped it over and began the art of palm reading. Of the things that he told me this is what I remember;

-I will have 5 children > 2 boys and 3 girls
-Im stubborn as L
-Im selfish in relationships - I need to be in control
-If I played an instrument I would be good - due to my long limber fingers
-I have deep emotional feelings about my family
-Im sexualy aggressive (that was my personal favorite)
-My intuition is better than those around around me
-I get frustrated with those less intelectual
-I need to live in the moment more
-Im spontanious
-Im not afriad of fear
-Im looking for a fight

Creepy right? And that is just what I can remember. I think its a bunch of garbage but who knows! If I end up having 2 boys and 3 girls ill know he was for real.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Heart Broken......

I cannot come home for Easter. It is hard to describe how sad I really am about this. I miss home, and my family terribly. My heart hurts. The End

Sunday, March 8, 2009

No longer a teen

It's finally happened, I can be taken seriously at last. I want to thank my roommates (especially kellogg) for all that they made, built, cooked, and did for me. My Birthday party "prom night-at the skating rink" was fantastic. Ironically, that night at the skating rink was some celebration for an elementary school, so we were the only ones over 12 out of the 100+ that were there. What was the school thinking? I know that I ran over at least 2 little bodies, the rest of the time I was focusing on not breaking my face while weaving in and out of them all. I have to admit though, with so many little girls around I was a complete celebrity. "I love your dress!", "are you the prom queen?", and "where is your prince?" was yelled out at every turn of the rink. Though they are smelly little kids, in which many of them still; wet the bed, and eat things that certainly shouldnt be eaten, I couldnt help but feel good about myself. Anyway, it was way fun and I had the time of my life. Here are just a few pictures of that night. Enjoy parents :) 

Monday, February 9, 2009

1 is the lonliest number

here's a peek of what it feels like to be the 7th wheel (which is better than usual-usually im the 9th wheel). Anyway, enjoy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Yay for Kellog turning 22! I dont think I have ever eaten so many fatty things in one day. It was great. This picture is when we took her out to Outback......sisters to the end. :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

just this once

My team is putting on a “team date” this weekend. When I first heard about it I thought:

Nice! I get another free meal this week

Then I found out that it would be ME asking some guy to be my date. Boo. About a minute after thinking about who I might ask I thought:

Uh, this sucks…

Do I really have to pay for HIM too??

Maybe I could just make something...

Crap I have no food...


Bleh, I might as well not take a shower if we go there...

Maybe if we do go somewhere he’ll be a gentleman and pay for it!

….but what if he doesn’t?

Dirt bag!

I accomplished the “asking out” assignment the other day. And I seriously don’t know what the big deal is. It was cake! All you men out there who lean on the “I don’t know her very well”/too scared/I just get nervous around girls – crutch are FULL OF IT. I didn’t even ask him to come, I TOLD him to come. It was more of an order than a request. I did it that way because that’s the way I like to be asked. And I didn’t text him, (pay attention boys) I called him. That’s right I actually talked to him on the phone. So newsflash- your all a bunch of weenies.

So the other day I had the great opportunity to go to the Draper temple open house. The experience was awesome. From the outside, I’ll admit it didn’t look that impressive (it could have been all the nasty snow everywhere). On the inside, however, it was spectacular. My favorite thing (besides the C. room – I won’t try to describe it, I won’t give it justice) was the artwork. The paintings in there are so beautiful. I would highly recommend going there. I don’t care who you are, you will enjoy it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hawaii Trip....

Hey here are some long lost pictures from when me and my team went to Hawaii. (this is for you parentals). Forgive the quality. enjoy!

Those were fabulous....

Why am I in Utah again?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Teachers ARE Smart...

“Smiling is contagious". Who said that? I always thought that that was just something your self-hating 1st grade teacher said to you because she had to. I’ve come to find out recently that not only is it true, but that smiling is only scratching the surface in the kind of influence one can have as a mere "passer-by". Intrigued, I decided to run an experiment to see what I could do to make someone’s day brighter.

#1 most effective: A compliment

Would you not agree? This is just personal enough for them to feel really special. Even if the receiver see's you as a weirdo (even as a creeper), they cannot help but feel a little bit better about themselves.

#2: a Wink

This is my favorite. You can say So much without saying anything at all. The usual reaction is a double take - look of confusion - a grin. So quick and So effective.

#3: a Smile

Classic and fool proof. It often happens that the receiver does not smile back, but don’t let that get you down. Though it may not show then, it makes them happier.

These work on anyone; teacher, boss, hobo, etc. I would recommend trying them ;)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jumanji in the basement

"Just talk about how awesome I am....there’s plenty to talk about" - Kellogg. That was Kellogg reply when I asked her what I should write about.

So the other night I went to my first ever institute dance, it was pirate themed. If there would have been a Best Dressed award I totally would have won. (Heck if there was an Only Dressed award- I would have won). I don’t have any pictures yet but when I do ill put them up......unless I forget. I couldn’t help but stop and stare when I walked in. Though I was raised in the church its always startling to walk in on a large amount of Mormons busting their moves. To those who have never witnessed this, just imagine those nerds you knew in school (glasses, plaid w/stripes, socks w/sandals, too loud of a laugh, war-craft gold division, chess playing, band geek, never looks at you in the eye, sometimes wears a bow-tie just because, thinks FHE (family home evening) is the biggest social event of the week, and a very very sweet spirit) dancing like they were on Saturday Night Fever. Always a good show.

Since I last wrote, the "O" has been very wet. Our bottom room flooded the first day we got back from my beautiful California. I was upstairs when I heard AyBayBay scream "KELLOG! Kellogg! My room is covered in water!” Then Kellogg tripped on her way up the stairs yelling at me to get towels. That was the start of a very very very long night (Tommy- you and I both know that), let’s just say that it wasn’t a good start to the semester.

Speaking of Tommy; I have to admit that I miss him dearly. He was always there to be helpful and fun. AyBayBay says that she misses his chuckley laugh. Logo says that he's so sad, and that he thought Tommy and him were going to be great friends. We Miss You Tommy!! Oh, and we still need to make jerseys- being on the same team an all ;)

This is a video of us about 5 hours into clearing the water out of the basement. You cant really appreciate how cold and wet it really was by just looking at this. trust me.