Wednesday, July 30, 2008

those never last long enough...

Its funny how people who aren’t from California freak out about earthquakes. You always hear some out-of-state-r talking on CNN about their not so fun day at Disneyland;

"I was so confused, I’m just glad me and my family didn’t fly right of the rales!!” He probably went back to Iowa early ('d think tornadoes would be more terrifying......).
If I’m not sleeping through them then I get to enjoy getting out of school for an hour or so when thy hit. We had one yesterday, while I was in the bathroom at school. I swear I was on a rollercoaster; I had a seat and everything! (I would have put my hands up if it would have lasted longer). okay okay, so they don’t ever last long enough to feel like anything. Secrets out. So to all you out-of-state-rs..... Earthquakes really aren’t a big deal.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pet Peeves

So tell me if I’m wrong, but "close talkers" are the most irritating thing on the planet. I’m just mentioning it because there is this guy that sits next to me and I swear that he's going to lay a fat one on me every time he tries to make small talk. Not to mention I can taste what he had for breakfast.....ew. Sometimes people have really weird pet-peeves. For example;
-My mom hates it when someone dips their cookies in milk. Naturally there’s the probability that the fingertips get dipped as well..... She’ll be scolding you and shoving a napkin down your throat before you know what hit you (trust me).
-My sister Lindsey hates it when she bakes yummies.....and then nobody eats them (due to the 24/7 diet my family is on)
-Then there’s my dad, he cannot stand it when he can hear you swallow a beverage. You better chew your food very thoroughly before you take a swig in front of him (beware his too-loud-gulp might never drink again).
-My sister Whitney hates it when someone says "Nordstroms", instead of "Nordstrom" (heaven forbid). Correcting us is one of her hobbies.
-My sister Kit gets so mad (I can’t help but laugh to myself when I picture it) when someone interrupts a story or a thought. I know what you’re thinking -anyone would get upset- I know I know, but picture that x20. "CAN I TALK!”. In the end she never finishes her story.
-Kelly will give you her special look of disgust whenever she see's anyone sharing anything edible....she hates "germs", the weird thing is she's not an especially clean person..Hhmm.

Here are some other thigs that bug me.....

People who don't understand English
Sweet bro's
Utah drivers
Short men
Touching the salt or pepper shaker with really greasy or BBQ'y fingers
Plastic forks that break when your eating
Changing the TV channel without asking when I'm clearly watching
Speed bumps
Little yappy dogs
People who don’t understand sarcasm (really?)
People who sit next to you in public even when there are other seats
Hollywood Stars talking about political issues
People who play their bass way too loud
People who don't control their bratty children
HUGE logos
Mouth noises when your eating
Global Warming (gag me)
Parents who allow their young female children to have anything to do with Paris Hilton
Slow walkers! MOVE IT!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

just in class..pondering......

oh the zoo…..i love the zoo! though I’ve always had the strong urge to steal the keys and set all the animals free. I wonder if any of the animals enjoy a life in a cage….. it sounds kinda bad but think about it…..
-nice people feed you, so you don’t need to worrie about all this “bottom of the food chain” business , or the hassle of hunting
-you get to sit around all day like a movie star with people wishing they could get closer to you
-you get to throw poo at people who annoy you
-people encourage you, and celebrate when you “baby make” in public
AND if you really don’t like the zoo, you could just leave. What? You don’t think so? Well I beg to differ my friend-sacramento zoo last year, mr.Tiger decided he wanted to go on holiday, so he did. He merely jumped over his man-made habitat and ate a person. Easy as a wink.
Do you remember that old childrens book? When it talked about a human zoo? I wonder what that would look like. For some reason It makes me think of high school during lunch…….
“to your left you have your “attractive athletes”, these are the atheletes that are good looking. Though an ugly one might sneak through their defences only if he is Really athletic……..Oh and to your right we have the “perma-Fry” herd (also known as –“pot heads”) – this herd may include hippies, cheer leaders, used-to-be-athletes, posers, sweet bro’s, freshmen wanting to be “hip”, skaters, teachers,and people who have absolutely no skill in anything (besides the cheer leaders). ……Over there behind the “slut” and “eating disorder” herds, there is the “check mate!/I heart band” herd….. Hmm most of them seem to be sickly from those pesky STD’s….Ahead you may see a territorial fight between the “viva la mexio!” and “get up out my face B!#@H!” herd.”
…..Ah high school.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Here comes a 4 year headache

So I have to admit that I am terrified for the up coming elections. I cant stand McCain...(no, not only because his skin is hanging off of his body) he's like a "cafateria christian". They pick and choose what they believe based on whats more convineint. The only thing he wants is votes, and he'll talk the talk to whoever has the loudest applause. ..but on the other hand, im not a big fan of socialism. So Obama is out of the question. What are we going to do for the next 4 years??!! maybe I should take Jack Sparrow's advice;

"close you eyes and pretend its all a bad dream...thats how I get by".

I have a feeling that all those who want Obama might get a little bit more CHANGE then they bargan for. Actually I want that to be the case. I want them to regret every second of supporting him so when World War 3 begins I can yell "TOLD YOU SO JACK A's!!!" (its there dumb mascot, i didnt pick it)

Can you hear me now?

So as of a couple days ago, us Californians are not aloud to talk on cell phones while im being serious, they made it a law! Ok lets talk about this for a second; why would the state make this law? I have heard the following:

-(1st and 4most) phones make drivers destracted!

-with a phone you can only drive with one hand!

hhmmm..... I find myself a little bit confussed. As far as I know 1 armed men are allowed to drive right? And if someone (according to the state) can't talk and drive at the same time, why is it we are aloud passengers?
For that matter, why on earth are we thinking of anythig other than driving? You guys! This is dangerous buisness!
Well at least I can still eat, put on make-up, sing, dance, pet my dog, text, pick my nose, be blind, and wave all at the same time legaly. Thank goodness we have our state keeping us save. Congrats California, you have succeded in creating another law that does absolutly nothing.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proud to be American

The 4th of July is by far my favorite hoiday, and im extatic that it is only days away. Me and my sisters often talk about how great it would be to live in a "July 4th world". We could lie on the beach with our faces painted and eat smores and hot-dogs till we die. Though the sweet smell of BBQ's, the ocean, the taste of melty ice cream, fireworks, and feeling like your 6 years old again are ridiculously enjoyable- I have to admit that it would still be my favorite holiday without all of that. The 4th is a day that celebrates freedom and the beauty that is this country, a day were we salute those fighting for liberty, a day were we express our gratitude for all of our blessings. And though I wish more people would do it more than one day a year, I still cant wait! God Bless America!