Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Heart Broken......

I cannot come home for Easter. It is hard to describe how sad I really am about this. I miss home, and my family terribly. My heart hurts. The End

Sunday, March 8, 2009

No longer a teen

It's finally happened, I can be taken seriously at last. I want to thank my roommates (especially kellogg) for all that they made, built, cooked, and did for me. My Birthday party "prom night-at the skating rink" was fantastic. Ironically, that night at the skating rink was some celebration for an elementary school, so we were the only ones over 12 out of the 100+ that were there. What was the school thinking? I know that I ran over at least 2 little bodies, the rest of the time I was focusing on not breaking my face while weaving in and out of them all. I have to admit though, with so many little girls around I was a complete celebrity. "I love your dress!", "are you the prom queen?", and "where is your prince?" was yelled out at every turn of the rink. Though they are smelly little kids, in which many of them still; wet the bed, and eat things that certainly shouldnt be eaten, I couldnt help but feel good about myself. Anyway, it was way fun and I had the time of my life. Here are just a few pictures of that night. Enjoy parents :)